Raden Saleh painting titled "Storm" is a typical expression of homage to the work of Romatisme. In this genre of artists really wanted to express the turmoil of his soul that vacillate between the desire to live and declare the world (imagination) is ideal and the real world is complex and fragmented. Appreciation of the adventure, the artists tend to express things that are dramatic, emotional, mysterious, and imaginary. However romanticism artists often work based on actual fact.
In the painting "Storm", it can be seen now, Raden Saleh revealed a dramatic struggle of two vessels in the storm waves on the ocean. The atmosphere seemed more pressing by the darkness and thick clouds terkaman high waves that destroyed one boat. From the point of a ray of sun that bounced off the waves, more dramatic atmosphere pressure
Although located within the frame of Raden Saleh romanticism, but the themes of his paintings a rich variety, dramatic and has a high elan vital. The works of Raden Saleh is not limited to landscapes, but also the lives of people and animals who wrestled in the tragedy. For instance, the painting "Een Boschbrand" (Forest Fire), and "Overstrooming Een op Java" (Floods in Java), "Een Jagt op Java" (Hunting in Java) or the "Gevangenneming van Diponegoro" (Arrest of Diponegoro). Although not yet aware of Raden Saleh fought to create Indonesian painting, but the impetus of life revealed the themes are very inspiring for the whole community, especially the indigenous intelligentsia emerging nationalism.
Noto Soeroto in his writings "Bi het100" Geboortejaar van Raden Saleh (Warning to the 100th birthday of Raden Saleh), knew in 1913, revealed that in times of national resurgence, the Javanese are encouraged to mobilize its own merits. However, a bright spot in the field of culture (art) was not encountered. To that end, the success of Raden Saleh is expected to arouse people's attention on the national art of Java